Saturday, October 22, 2016

Marvelous Michigan

What can I say about Michigan… sand dunes, apple orchards, small lakes dotting the landscape, streams and rivers at every bend of the road.  This place is marvelous!  The people we met, and stayed with, are equal to their land.  We could never express our thanks enough to those who hosted us during our journey through The Great Lakes State. 

Our first stop was at Warren Dunes State Park, on the southeast corner of Lake Michigan.  What a difference between here and Door County in Wisconsin.  Instead of sandstone and granite cliffs, we were surrounded by soft sand beaches and dunes, stretching up (and I mean UP) and back for a mile or more.  Our hike to the beach across the dunes felt like a trek through the Sahara, though it was a comfortable temp the day we did it. 

We were then on our way north, past signs telling us town names like Kalamazoo… which made me burst forth in song… a bad rendition of  Glenn Miller’s “I’ve got a gal…”  Fortunately, Diane came to the rescue with a quick push of a button on the dash to let Sirius channel 66, smooth jazz, fill the cab.  We drove through Grand Rapids and on to the Greenville area, where we stayed with fellow snowbirds and gave two talks; one on the Waco gliders built by the Gibson Refrigerator Company during The War.  A week there and on down through the center of the state to the town of Dexter, just outside Ann Arbor…. you’d be smart to know about the expression “Go Blue” while in this part of the state!  We got to see some of the college, including their enormous football stadium, from another couple we spend winters with in Naples.  These are what my generation refers to as friends with benefits!

Diane and I had the opportunity to take a day to tour some of her childhood stomping grounds without the trailer following so close behind.  We visited the areas around Clawson and Drayton Plains, searching out homes she had lived in before moving to San Diego.  It was fun to see her face light up in recognition of them as we drove up.  Another day was spent visiting the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) with our friends.  The talent of people working in various mediums absolutely astounds me.  I need help drawing parts for a game of Hangman!!

We spent a total of two weeks in Michigan before we headed into The Buckeye State of Ohio.  Michigan has too much to offer for only a two week stay… hope there’s a next time!

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